Current School Projects

2D Design Course

Description: These digital drawings are Canadian stamps that I made for my 2D design course. The assignment was to make Canadian stamps that communicate, celebrates or promotes a Canadian person, cultural artifact, tradition, event or structure. I chose to do 3 classic Canadian things, Poutine, the RCMP, and the Canadian goose. All known by Canadians, and might interest people from other countries receiving mail.

Time taken: Ca. 3 hours each

Media used: Digital

3D Design Course

Description: For my 3D Design course, our first assignment was to create a kite. It had to have thought behind of how it was going to fly, as well as having a pleasant design. I chose to do a butterfly. It did not fly due to many factors, a big one was because of no wind. In theory it would have flown if there were better circumstances.

Time taken: Ca. 10 hours

Media used: Black kite fabric, wooden dowels, hot glue, string, black foam sheet, and paint

Digital Media Course

Description: This digital photoshopped piece was my first project for my digital media course. Our assignment was to take an image of an animal, and using vegetables/food, we were supposed to recreate the image as best as possible. I chose to do a cow and some of the vegetables/ food used was: Bread, onion, sweet potato, mushroom, celery, green beans, bananas, and cauliflower.

Time taken: Ca. 4 hours

Media used: Digital (Adobe Photoshop)